Cells with similar degrees of SNAP-EGFR appearance were examined to review the phosphorylation of the rest of the SNAP-EGFRs with or without EGF treatment

Cells with similar degrees of SNAP-EGFR appearance were examined to review the phosphorylation of the rest of the SNAP-EGFRs with or without EGF treatment. EGFR binding epitopes: mAb 199.12 (D), mAb R-1 (E), and mAb 528 (F). (G) The immobilized small percentage of EGFR before and after anti-SNAP antibody treatment in cells expressing SNAP-EGFR. (HCI) … Continue reading Cells with similar degrees of SNAP-EGFR appearance were examined to review the phosphorylation of the rest of the SNAP-EGFRs with or without EGF treatment